Hellen van Meene

Julia Fullerton-Batten

Julia Fullerton-Batten


Alicia Moneva

Portfolio Review

Portfolio Reviews will take place in-person during the 212 Photography Festival at bomontiada on May 12-13. For up-to-date information, please like our Facebook page, to join our mailing list, subscribe at the bottom of this page.

The Portfolio Review is aimed at committed photographers with a developed and serious approach to their work. Recent graduates are welcome. To make an appointment, please contact us through our website’s contact page and choose the ‘Portfolio Review’ option. We have an automatic mailing system that allows us to process your application quickly. Reviews are booked on a first come, first served basis.

We advise you look through our reviewers carefully and make a preference-ranked list of at least three people who you would like to meet with so that we can schedule you as soon as you submit.

Once you’ve sent us an e-mail via our contact page with your application and preferred list of reviewers, we will get back to you shortly with your booking information including the name of your reviewer and the duration of your review, alongside the review date and time. Please keep an eye on our website and our Facebook page for more info.


Spaces are limited. You must submit the application form and a list of the reviewers you are most interested in meeting with. Given that the review spaces are limited, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to meet with all the reviewers you request. It’s extremely important you arrive on time and prepared for your sessions! Sessions will be kept strictly to time and you cannot ‘make up’ any lost time.


Participants should have a well-developed body of work or project in progress. It’s important that participants have a clear idea of what they want to gain from their review sessions (e.g. feedback, conceptual development, editing suggestions, etc.).


Below is a list of confirmed reviewers. Click on the profiles for more information. Due to the possibility of unforeseen circumstances the list may change.